December Monthly Service Performed

The last Monthly Service of 1999 was conducted in the Main Sanctuary of Church Headquarters on December 26 amid cold sleety weather.

In the Service prayer, the Shinbashira expressed gratitude to God the Parent for the blessings we had received throughout the year, including the blessing of the successful completion of the Lectures on Instruction One held between December 1998 and March 1999 as well as the “District Lectures for Yoboku: Action and Progress” held between September and December 1999, both of which were intended to ensure a thorough understanding of the Shinbashira’s intention contained in Instruction One. He then made a resolution to endeavor to become single-hearted in the work of saving others in the coming new year, the 163rd year of the Teaching, based on the firm resolve made in 1999.

Then the Kagura Service and the Dance with Hand Movements were performed joyously, with the followers joining together in singing the songs for the Service. After the Service, Honbu-in Masahiro Masuno delivered the sermon. Basing himself on the Scriptures and Instruction One, he spoke on the attitude that followers should take, saying that they should exert their true sincerity so that God the Parent would become spirited and enable them to take a great stride toward world salvation. He went on to say that followers in this path have been taught the importance of true sincerity as demonstrated in the Divine Model and that Yoboku can receive the truth of heaven when they keep the mind of sincerity as their mind for a lifetime without change, as expressed in the words “What is everlasting is true sincerity.”

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